<== Site of the Week for 2011-11-15 ==>


Westhost.com began as an internet startup in the Cache Valley. The company quickly developed a reputation for quality service at a low price.

Westhost was acquired by the British hosting firm VPS.net to serve as a base for its Western US operations.

VPS is a leader in the development of cloud technology. The new cloud technology lets companies quickly scale their web sites as needed. This web site is hosted on administered by WestHost.com

Since Westhost is now part of a larger network, they can be part of some great new technologies like the CDN network. This technology lets companies deliver large static files (like video) from multiple data centers around the world

Being a WestHost customer means that I can quickly scale my sites from extremely affordable shared hosting to their cloud servers and dedicated servers. Being part of a larger network means that I can always adjust my web presence to meet market demand.

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Site NameWest Host
Review History2011-11-15
Category Logan Utah: Internet
Page Views4879
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